A Guide To Eye Care At The Eye Institute Of Austin

Our expert team will help you see life better. We specialize in blade-free LASIK, cataract surgery, LipiFlow dry eye treatment, and glaucoma management.

The eye institute of Austin is a renowned center that provides patients with the finest medical and surgical eye care, furthers research to improve and preserve vision, and trains future leaders in ophthalmology.

Comprehensive Eye Exams

It’s essential to get regular, comprehensive eye exams. These allow your eye doctor to monitor your eyes and vision over time, which can help detect the earliest signs of sight-threatening eye diseases like glaucoma or macular degeneration.

Children should have an exam every 1-2 years to ensure their eyes and vision develop typically. Adults 20 to 39 should have an eye exam at least every two years, as this is when the eye’s lens slowly begins to harden, impacting near vision and causing the need for reading glasses, known as presbyopia.

Digital eye exams utilize new optical software technology and remote operation of visual equipment. These exams mimic traditional face-to-face appointments and last about 30 minutes.


LASIK is a refractive surgery that reduces or eliminates your need for glasses and contacts. During the procedure, your ophthalmologist will create a flap on the cornea using a laser (Intralase femtosecond laser or microkeratome). They will then use an excimer laser to reshape the cornea.

After the procedure, your ophthalmologist may test your vision again. This ensures that your idea is stable and helps identify any conditions that could interfere with the effectiveness of LASIK.

During your pre-LASIK screening, we will also test for dry eye. This is necessary because dry eyes can make achieving the best possible LASIK results harder.

Cataract Surgery

Cataracts are an opacification (clouding) of the eye’s natural lens. This is a normal part of aging; most people will develop cataracts over time.

A small operation can remove the cataract and replace it with a clear plastic lens to restore your vision. The procedure is simple and painless; you can return home the same day.

During the surgery, our doctors make small incisions that seal without sutures and then use phacoemulsification to extract your eye’s diseased lens. They then replace it with an artificial lens that allows you to see at different distances, and most patients achieve excellent vision without dependence on glasses or contacts.

Glaucoma Treatment

The most common type of glaucoma is called open-angle glaucoma. It develops slowly and painlessly, and most people do not notice it until they have lost some vision.

Glaucoma develops when resistance builds up in your eye’s drainage canals. This creates pressure inside your eyes that can damage your optic nerve.

Medication can usually control this type of glaucoma. Surgery can help if drugs do not work. Conventional surgeries such as trabeculectomy or aqueous shunts can lower pressure in your eyes. However, they may have more complications than other types of surgery. The most important thing is to follow your treatment plan and have regular comprehensive eye exams.

Dry Eye Treatment

For most patients with mild dry eye symptoms, regular use of over-the-counter artificial tears is enough to relieve them. However, doctors often prescribe medications targeting inflammation, such as cyclosporine (Restasis), lifitegrast (Xiidra), or cequa.

If these treatments aren’t working, ophthalmologists may perform an eye exam and prescribe an extraordinary blood serum drop made from your blood (autologous plasma) to increase tear production. In addition, they might recommend ocular surgery to correct a mechanical problem with the eyelids. This is particularly common with ectropion, which results from loosening the lower lids. Some patients benefit from acupuncture to decrease inflammation and dryness.

Contact Lenses

The eye institute of Austin offers a variety of contact lenses to meet your vision needs. Your eye doctor will recommend a lens and wear schedule that best suits your lifestyle.

Most contact lenses sit on the cornea (the transparent outer layer) to correct refractive errors and make your vision sharper. Others rest on the sclera (the white part of the eye).

Rigid gas permeable (RGP) lenses are made from a solid plastic material that allows oxygen to pass through to your eye. They are often used to correct astigmatism and corneal irregularities such as keratoconus.

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